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Environmental and Quality Policy of IVICSA

The Environmental and Quality Policy of IVICSA, which covers engineering services including the development of civil engineering projects in industrial, electrical, hydraulic, transportation and road, geotechnical, structural, port, aeronautical, and environmental sectors; infrastructure planning; urban planning and land management; urbanization and construction, can be summarized in the following points:

  • Comply with the current environmental legislation and regulations, as well as general regulations applicable to the company’s areas of operation, and any codes of ethics, best practices, etc., that it subscribes to, considering the needs and expectations of interested parties.
  • Keep the Environmental and Quality Management System operational in accordance with UNE-EN-ISO 9001:15 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:15 standards, ensuring continuous improvement in environmental and quality management, promoting customer satisfaction, minimizing impacts and pollution on the environment, and contributing to the sustainable development of society.
  • Communicate its Environmental and Quality Policy to all employees and make it available to the general public and interested parties.
  • Promote the training of its employees to encourage the use of technologies that are more environmentally friendly, both in its processes and in the studies and projects carried out for third parties.
  • Enhance the training, awareness, and creative participation of all company personnel, aiming to make them aware of their individual obligations and responsibilities.
  • Implement control measures to maintain quality, ensuring customer satisfaction, and control measures for potential environmental impacts to prevent pollution, minimize resource consumption, and correct any impacts that may arise.

Having stated its Quality and Environmental Policy, the Management of IVICSA commits to disseminating, implementing, and keeping it up to date at all levels of the organization, with periodic reviews.

Francisco Martínez – Management