MetroValencia Line 3


Generalitat Valenciana / Consellería de Infraestructuras y Transporte - G.T.P.


Alboraya, Spain

Car is no longer king and people come first

Consultancy, Study, Design, Engineering, Supervision

The Project’s construction documents have compiled the necessary works for putting underground Valencia Metro line number 3. 

Cost: 62.732.881,00 €


Nowadays, the mentioned line number 3 leads through the underground tunnels till the border of Valencia and Alboraya communities to appear later on surface in Alboraya.


  • Route length: 1.668,99 metre
  • Construction blocks execution
  • Jet routing for ground modification
  • 2 Stations (Palmaret and Alboraya) including urbanization
  • 90m long platforms
  • Metric Gauge Double Track
  • Straight axis of 3’30m and up to 3’70m in curve
  • Minimum vertical clearance of 4.90m and minimum horizontal clearance of 8m