Valencia North Train Station


Generalitat Valenciana / Consellería de Infraestructuras y Transporte


Valencia, Spain

Maintain an industrial aspect coherent with the original character of the building

Consultancy & Design, Supervision

The restoration of the building number 7, in Valencia-North Train Station, was commissioned by the Transport General Direction of the Generalitat Valenciana, with the aim to restore and adapt it for an administrative use.

Cost: 4.671.640,00 €


The new element raised to solve the functional program was a mezzanine that was placed inside the building, a platform separated from the walls of the factory which composed the building. 


  •  A platform separated from the walls of factory which composed the building
  • Mezzanine connected to the ground floor by metallic light stairs and supported by metallic girders
  • Prism that integrates the elevator and a place for air conditioning machinery