Cable ways
Make it accessible
IVICSA help clients to plan, produce and predict the shape of the world’s cable transports, from initial investment advice, to design and research into new mobility systems.
The future of mobilisation
As a result of decades of experience in the installation and deinstallation of cableways and material cableways, IVICSA is a specialist for installation work in the cableway industry and provides a variety of services. In addition, IVICSA carries out the renovation and revision of cableway systems.
Low emission mobility
We help cities, towns and other national transport authorities to adopt, enable and encourage the use of low emission ways of transport, offering support around strategy, technical and economic feasibility and implementation as they move to a low emission vehicle world.
Av. Víctor Hugo y Río Coca, Edif. CFC Corp. P3
Ambato, Ecuador
T: +593 99 882 2240
C/ Ruta Mcal. Estigarribia, Edif. Fernando de la mora 2º Of.5
Asunción, Paraguay
T: +34 678 633 496
Balfour House 741 High Road, North Finchley, N120BP
London, United Kingdom
T: +44 7564839515