Torreblanca to Castellón Airport Highway impact


Generalitat Valenciana / ConsellerÍa de Infraestructuras y Transporte


Torreblanca Castellón, Spain

The progress of the region without affecting the wildlife

Architecture & Design, Construction management, Engineering, environmental services, Program & project management

The Environmental Impact Study evaluated the alternatives proposed about the construction of a new connection from the highway AP-7 in Torreblanca’s link up to Castellón’s airport facilities and connection with the highway CV-10

Cost: 1.853.800,00 €


There will be studied the affection of the road that is designed as a highway of approximately 14 km. The road’s layout crosses a natural environment that passes between the first mountainous alignments of Castellón’s interior and the coastal line.


  • Highway AP-7 in Torreblanca’s link up to Castellón’s airport facilities and connection with the highway CV-10.
  • 14km long highway, which passes through  the first mountainous alignments of Castellón’s interior and the coastal line.