Mundo Ilusión theme park


Mundo Ilusión Costa Azahar S.A.


Cabanes-Oropesa, Spain

Architecture & Design, Construction management, Engineering, environmental services

 This preliminary project defines the necessary infrastructures to develop a settlement in the municipalities of Oropesa de Cabanes and Castellón.

Cost: 270.083.076,10 €


The preliminary project not only defines the needs of the residential interiors, urban parameter, land use and surfaces, but also the technical condition of all aspects, also, is designed and evaluated the budget of all facilities


1,500 ha


  • Networks
  • Water supply
  • Irrigation
  • Fire fighting water
  • Sewage water
  • Storm water
  • Low and medium voltage
  • High voltage electrical substation
  • public lighting
  • Telephony
  • Natural Gas
  • Waste-water treatment station
  • Reverse osmosis treatment plant
  • Vials
  • SIdewalks
  • Landscaping
  • Road access to the n-340 road
  • Water supply to IDAM (reverse osmosis)
  • Electrical supply of over 132 KV from Iberdrola
  • Natural gas supply from high pressure crimping network